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Proactive Therapy Audit



Increased review activity means agencies need to be prepared more than ever to defend charting and care provided to beneficiaries. We can help you be ready today and going forward.

Breaking the Cycle of Risky Documentation
If agencies had a dollar for every time they tried to address the issues seen in clinical documentation, many would no longer have to worry about their profitability. It is an issue that has consumed countless resources at all levels of the organization and the results seem to show some degree of improvement but then the problems resurface.
When reviewing reasons for denial, the term often seen is face to face attestation does not meet the required regulation or homebound status is not evident in this record. There is no checklist provided or examples of “sufficient” documentation provided.  This leaves agencies frustrated and always on the lookout for the magical list of terms that reduce the risk of denials and/or provide content to use on appeal.
Looking at average episodes of care the average risk per episode that includes ANY number of therapy visits remains steady at $1500.Defensible documentation will be an integral part of success with both OASIS C1 and ICD-10 – two issues high on the radar of the home health industry in 2015. Time is of the essence and resources for issue identification and education are limited making outsourcing an appealing option. Make sure you choose a partner in creating sustainable solutions and break the cycle of documentation issues.

  • Audit 5 recently ended episodes of care — ALL with therapy services
  • Dashboard report of defensibility and financial risk
  • 2 week completion period – from start of review until report in hand!
  • FREE 3-month organizational membership in Home Care Leadership Network (HCLN) – a $225.00 value
  • Price Reduced to $499.00! – a 66 % discount!

**Once you pay for service you will be forwarded a link to email episodes for review.