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Maintenance Therapy: Fundamental Regulations



More than a decade has passed since the Jimmo V Sebelius decision shone a bright light on maintenance therapy, far too many providers are still “considering” if they will implement this level of care. Maintenance therapy is not an optional part of the benefit – if both qualifying and coverage criteria are met, the beneficiary is entitled to the care. K&K Health Care Solutions has created a series intended to address the most common questions related to maintenance therapy. The goal is to move from conversations to utilizing the full scope of the Medicare benefit.

  • Fundamental Regulations – Purchase First Session for only $7.00 – Click Here
    • Qualifying and coverage criteria / skilled, reasonable, necessary

*To Purchase the Entire Series Click Here!*

Series of 7 educational videos 15 – 20 minutes long that are available on demand.

  • Patient Identification
    • NOT diagnosis driven / examples of potential patient populations
  • Initial Assessments
    • Tests and measures / decision tree
  • Intentional Goals
    • Focus of care / examples
  • Meaningful Utilization
    • Dosing care / focus of each visit
  • Comprehensive Reassessments
    • Summarizing current state / making case for additional care
  • Discharge Planning
    • Preparing the patient / handoffs to other settings


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