Goal Writing for the Home Health Clinician- A Cure for EMR “Clickitis”
Resource Tool: Goal writing template
References: Guide to PT Practice, 3rd Edition; Palmetto GBA’s “Goal Writing for Dummies”
Recording Now Available
Recording Provided with this Purchase – Handouts attached at Checkout
We will provide a post webinar knowledge assessment.
Goal writing for home health patients has become heavily reliant on either the electronic medical record (EMR) in use by the agency, or the template forms purchased. Many clinicians and agencies erroneously write and intervention and goal for every diagnosis that is on the medical record whether they are actually going to be addressed or not.
We call this condition “clickitis.” We feel this is due to the addition of goals being as easy as a mere click!
Unfortunately, many of these products have little, if any, clinician input. If clinician input was present during initial development, many times said clinicians may not have been consulted on more recent version modifications. This, along with the plethora of industry resources available, can make it difficult to ensure the accuracy or thoroughness of any one resource to assist the home care clinician. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) has made it clear that documentation to ensure reimbursement for skilled services under the Medicare Home Health Part A benefit is the sole responsibility of the clinician, not any specific documentation system. Professional bodies, such as the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), CMS and Fiscal Intermediaries support this position, and have clear standards related to documentation by licensed clinicians in all settings where care is provided.
This webinar will provide participants with the GO TO resource for home care clinicians to assist them to write appropriate patient goals. This will ensure that clinicians will meet professional and industry standards rather than personal or industry “expert” recommendations. In addition to this, all participants will receive a Goal Writing Template for the home health clinician for use in their documentation. Additionally, auditors of documentation will enhance current processes by including a quality element in their review or goal statements to further documentation defensibility.
Upon completion of this webinar course, participants will be able to:
1. Incorporate the key elements from professional, regulatory and payor source entities into clinical goals for home health patients.
2. Write appropriate goals that demonstrate measurement and meaningfulness for both restorative and maintenance patients in the home health setting.
3. Document goal updates throughout the patient’s course of care as well as on mandatory functional reassessments for therapy.
Target Audience: QA/QI staff, Clinical Supervisors, Nurses, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech-Language Pathologists